Battle Report: Hunter or Hunted Part I
1500pts Blood Ravens vs Deathwatch (Blood Angels rules) Space Marines
This is actually two battles I fought today, the first was against a rather odd Space Marine army. Painted (and some
modeled) like Deathwatch and using the Blood Angels rules. The second battle was versus a rather standard guard army (at least
I think its standard Ive not fought many). So first off the army lists were as follows:
Xenos Hunters HQ Chaplain-
Bolt Pistol, Jump Pack Death Company (ended up being 8 strong) Elites Furioso Dreadnaught, drop pod Hellfire
Dreadnaught, drop pod Troops Tactical Squad (10), sergeant with powerfist, melta gun, drop pod Tactical Squad
(10), sergeant with powerfist, melta gun, drop pod Tactical Squad (10), sergeant with powerfist, melta gun, drop pod Tactical
Squad (10), sergeant with powerfist, melta gun, drop pod
Imperial Guard HQ Command Squad (5)-Senior
Officer (I think, might be wrong), plasma gun, medic Elites Grey Knight Terminator Squad (5), incinerator Storm
Troopers (10), sergeant with power weapon, melta gun, Chimera Transport Troops First Platoon Command section
(5), sergeant with power fist -Guardsmen Squad (10), grenade launcher, missil launcher -Guardsmen Squad (10), grenade
launcher, lascannon Second Platoon Command Section (5), sergeant with power weapon -Guardsmen Squad (10), grenade
launcher, heavy bolter -Guardsmen Squad (10), grenade launcher, autocannon Fast Attack Sentinel, autocannon Heavy
Support Bassilisk, indirect fire Leman Russ Mortar Squads (3)
This is sad, I really need to read the
Guard codex.
Blood Ravens 5th Company HQ Master Captain Icarus, Master Crafted Lightning Claws,
Artificer Armor, Terminator Honors, Jump Pack, Frags, Iron Halo Epistolary, Familiar, Bolt Pistol, Jump Pack, Combat Shield,
Melta Bombs Troops Tactical Squad (10), counter attack, true grit, infiltrate, melta gun, power weapon Tactical
Squad (10), counter attack, true grit, infiltrate, melta gun, power weapon Scout Squad (6), heavy bolter, bolters x5 Scout
Squad (5), sniper rifles x5 Fast Attack Assault Squad (6), Sergeant with Terminator Honors and Power Fist Land
Speeder Tornado Bike Squadron (6), melta guns x2, assault bike with multi melta, sergeant with power weapon Heavy
Support Devastator Squad (6), missil launcher x4
Hunter or Hunted Part I
Fist some fluff:
Icarus watched the Inquisitorial Strke Cruiser move into low orbit, preparing to fire its payload of Drop Pods. Already a
Thunderhawk had made planetfall bearing the most zealous of the Deathwatch marines. According to the intel gathered the Inquisition
had not taken kindly to the Blood Raven's actions on Kronus. However this was an entirely seperate group, apparently some
more zealous sects of the Inquisition took Captain Gabriel Angelos' recent actions as a sign of heresy amongst the Blood Ravens.
The fact that their little strike force had latched onto the trail of the 5th Company and not the 3rd seemed to have gone
unnoticed. Icarus did not care what they were doing, or that it was Captain Angelos who had gotten the chapter into this mess.
All he needed to know was that these fools were seeking his death, that was fine, he would just have to repay them in kind.
the men in position Faustus?" Icarus asked his second, the young but brilliant Epistolary Librarian Faustus Dorar.
are Captain, Squads Illiam and Philantes are in position at the outpost, the rest of the men are in the loose formation you
specified." Faustus replied.
"Good, the enemy will be arriving shortly, expect the first drop pods to hit soon after
we engage the enemy. Rough estimates put the enemy at roughly 50 Marines and two Dreadnaughts. There also appears to be a
regiment of Guard, we have not yet been able to ascertain who they are and what personal reason they have for being here."
Icarus said as he watched the distant forms of the enemy as they leapt from the tops of ruined buildings towards the Blood
Ravens position.
"They appear to be far too impatient to wait for the rest of their forces to deploy." Faustus commented
as his familiar flitted around above them.
"They do indeed, likely we will face the first wave that have already landed,
then their reinforcements as the drop pods land." Icarus noted his gaze still skyward.
"What about the guard?" Asked
"They will come latter, though the pict steals did show a shuttle bearing the seal of the Ordo Malleus and
more worryingly of the Grey Knights, if the information in the Librarium is any indication we may be facing a force of fellow
astartes that are far more dangerous than the rabble we face now." Icarus said.
"Nevertheless we shall destroy them."
Faustus said, gripping his Force Staff tighter than usual, the only indication the reserved man would show of his eagerness
to face the enemies of the Emperor.
With their preparations finished Icarus and Faustus moved to their positions in
the defences, preparing to meet the deluded fools chasing them.
Terrain: The board had a large building in the
lower left and upper right corners with a smaller building in the lower right and a bunch of small bits of terrain scattered
around the rest of the board. Which really did not come into play during this battle since all but one squad of the enemy
was entering play via drop pod.
Deployment: Death company went behind the building in the upper right, Devs and both
scout squads went on the top two floors of the lower left building, one tac squad went into the small building on the lower
right and another took up positions in the middle of my line on a wrecked shuttle piece. Assault squad with Librarian attatched
and master behind went behind the second tac squad, land speeder went behind the small building on the right. Bikes went behind
the building on the left.
Turn 1: Blood Ravens So I went first, bikes moved right, Land speeder took some pot
shots at some death company in view but failed to wound any of them.
Xenos Hunters Moved out of sight of the Land
Speeder, otherwise absolutely nothing.
Turn 2: Blood Ravens Nada, zipo, absolutely nothing. I think I bumped
an assault marine by accident... maybe.
Xenos Hunters Only the Hellfire Dread came in. Dropped next to the building
in the upper right and shot at the Land Speeder blowing off its assault cannon.
Turn 3: Blood Ravens Blew up
the Dreadnaught and Drop Pod
Xenos Hunters 3 of the Tac squads and the Furioso arrived. Dread and two tacs landed
in a tight cresent right infront of the bikes, tac squad and assault marines. Third tac squad went farther back and to the
right. All in all 3 Tac marines, 1 bike and 1 assault marine died.
Turn 4: Blood Ravens Finally I get to do
something. The bikes blew up the Furioso, Master, Libby and Assault Marines charged the second tac squad, killing all but
the sergeant. Shooting killed 9 of the 10 marines in the first tac squad and 2 of the marines in the third.
Hunters First and Third tactical squads charged me. Fist and Second were finished off but master fell to a power fist.
Assault squad killed 5 of Tac squad 3.
Xenos hunters conceded the game!
Cassualties: Xenos Hunters 27
Xenos Hunters Tac Marines Furioso Dread Hellfire Dread Drop Pod
Blood Ravens 2 Assault Marines 3 Tactical
Marines Master Captain
Another Victory to the Blood Ravens, but now onto the Guard.