Cleansing of Planet 334-55
managed to get to the local GW today and get a game in, it was well over three hours of waiting before I got the game in and
when we finally came to deciding how it would go it ended up being 1000pts of my Raven Guard and 1000pts of another Mairne
player's forces against my brother's (Wingates_Helsing) Eldar. Both Marine forces used the same FOC. First some fluff then
the lists.
Captain Balthier Vincati felt an adrenaline rush as he fell through the clear blue skies of the planet
designated as 334-55. As he fell from thousands of feet in the air he saw sprawling vistas of magnificent and ancient forrests,
sparkling lakes and jagged mountains, fields full of grazing animals of all shapes and sizes, flowers covering hillsides in
rolling montages of color. Nearly perfect he thought, unsulied save for the smoke curling into the sky from an area of flaming
forrests, the shapes of ancient ruins barely visible past the smoke and flames and the shapes of a number of downed Thunderhawks.
Captain Vincati shook his head as he saw the venerable birds brought low. The Death Spectres Chapter had sent fully two companies
as an exploratory force into this region that was largely uncharted. Located only briefly by the 334th Expedition of the Raven
Guard as the 55th planet they had found but left untouched, the presence of the Ulthwe Craftworld and the pressing matters
of rebuilding the Imperium after the Heresy kept anyone from dealing with the region and with time it had been all but forgotten,
until the Death Spectres had foolishly stumbled across the place and it's silent guardians.
Barely half a Company
remained, less than forty marines from the 6th Company were still alive, leaderless and fighting for their very lives. They
were apparently holed up in the ruins near where their Thunderhawks had been brought down, and had been so for over a month
and it was plain the Eldar were moving in for the kill. Still Balthier wondered how they had held out so long, Space Marines
were tough but judging from the Eldar fleet that had tried to stop the Strike Cruiser the "Wings of Corax" and the Battle
Barge "Black Wing" they were outnumbered by dozens to one, that the Death Spectres had held out so long against such odds
was strange, there had to be more. Nevertheless these were teh odds the Raven Guard lived for.
"One thousand feet
and counting," voxed Sergeant Bailien
"Understood Sergeant," Captain Vincati replied, he twisted his body upright
and gunned his jump pack, twin flames roaring from the engines and slowing his descent. By the time he was twenty feet from
the ground he had slowed enough to cut his engines and drop to the ground, his boots creating twin craters in the soft earth.
All around him came another twenty Assault Marines, behind them two Thunderhawks bearing the remaining marines of the 3rd
Company came in for their landing run. "All teams to attack positions, situation change estimated, execute plan delta."
marines spread out, breaking into three different assault teams and heading towards their objectives. Captain Vincati grinned
behind the grille of his face plate and powered up his jump pack once more, rocketing into the sky and towards the battle
to come.
Raven Guard 3rd CompanyCaptain Balthier Vincati
-Master, Master-Crafted Lightning Claws, Artificer Armor,
Jump Pack, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Iron Halo, Terminator Honors
Total: 203
Veteran Assault
Squad Bailien (5)
-Terminator Honors, Pair of Lightning Claws, Plasma Pistol x2, Combat Shield, Furious Charge, Melta Bombs
Assault Squad Farian (5)
-Terminator Honors, Pair of Lightning Claws, Plasma Pistol x2, Combat Shield, Furious
Charge, Melta Bombs
Total: 185
Tactical Squad Ordo (6)
-Lascannon, Plasma Gun, Terminator
Honors, Power Weapon, Auspex
Total: 140
Tactical Squad Daniard (6)
-Lascannon, Plasma Gun, Terminator Honors,
Power Weapon, Auspex
Total: 140
Fast Attack:
Assault Squad Reese (5)
-Terminator Honors, Power Fist,
Combat Shield, Krak Grenades
Total: 150
Death Spectres 6th CompanyTroops:
Tactical Squad Alpha (9)
-Lascannon, Plasma Gun, Terminator
Honors, Power Fist
Tactical Squad Beta (9)
-Lascannon, Plasma Gun, Terminator Honors, Power Fist
Squad Gamma (9)
-Lascannon, Plasma Gun, Terminator Honors, Power Fist
Tactical Squad Omega (9)
-Lascannon, Plasma
Gun, Terminator Honors, Power Fist
Grey Knight Squad Tiberius (

-Justicar, Incinerator
Eldar Strike ForceHQ:
-Fortune, Guide, Doom
-Power Weapon, Reaper Launcher,
Mandiblaster, Jetbike
Howling Banshees (7)
Wraith Guard (5)
Guardian Defender
Squad (15)
-Scatter Laser
Guardian Jetbikes (3)
-Shuriken Cannon
Guardian Jetbikes (3)
-Shuriken Cannon
Squad (5)
Pathfinder Squad (5)
Fast Attack:
Hawks (6)
-Exarch with Sunrifle
Heavy Support
Dark Reapers (5)
-Exarch with Tempest Launcher and Fast
War Walker Squadron (3)
-All with x2 Scatter Lasers
DeploymentAs usual little of the terrain came into play, the fighting was direct and brutal. There were
three buildings scattered throughout the Marine deployment zone, all ruins. Both Veteran Assault Squads and Captain Vincati
went behind the far left with a RG Tac squad in the building, the middle building had the second tactical squad and the remaining
assault squad behind it. One Death Spectres squad went into the far right building, with two on it's left and one on the right
with the Grey Knights in between the two squads on the left. The Eldar deployed three bikes on the left flank, three on the
right with the Banshees behind them, the Dark Reapers went on the left and one Vyper went with each Bike Squadron. The War
Walkers went in the center with the Autarch just behind and to their left and the Farseer straight behind them. The Guardians
went to the left and a pathfinder squad went into each of two woods to the Eldar left and center with the War Walkers to the
right. Swooping Hawks were held in reserve.
Captain Vincati skidded to a halt behind a ruin, squads Bailien and Farian beside him, squad Ordo raced into the building
to take up positions and squad Daniard did the same towards the center with squad Reece behind them. Captain Balthier was
concerned by the absence of the scouts and Squads Armand and Anaheim but he figured they would make their way to the site
eventually, though he had also failed to raise the third detatchment of another twenty marines that had gone to destroy the
Eldar webway gates and cut off reinforcements. He could not take time to worry however, they had made it to the battle and
the Death Spectres were sorely pressed, he had raised the senior sergeant Ulrich Von Strab who was bunkered down to the south
and both forces would move in less than thirty seconds.
"All available squads in position sir," Announced sergeant
Bailien to his left.
"Very good, all units, for Corax and the Emperor!" Cried Captain Vincati, the vocabulator in his
helmet sending his roar across the field.
"Victoris Aut Mortis!" Responded the Raven Guard. The battle had begun.
Turn 1Eldar Movement
-Guardians, Wraithguard, both bike squadrons, both vypers and the
war walkers and even the reapers all stomped forward to engage.
-Shooting saw one marine from squad Daniard
and three Death Spectres from the far right squad fall.
-Bikes moved forward.
Space MarinesMovement
Assault Squads jumped out and raced forward, using what little terrain there was to shield themselves from the enemies LOS
as much as possible. Forward Death Spectres squad on the left moved forward with the Grey Knights right behind them.
saw two bikes on the left fall and the left vyper have it's gun blown off. One War Walker went down as well.
2Eldar Movement
-Left bike and vyper retreated, right bike squadron moved forward as did the
-All units opened fire, one Assault Marine from squad Reece fell, another Tactical Marine from
squad Daniard, 5 Death Spectres from the far right squad leaving just a Lascannon marine and two more from the forward left
squad. All units passed morale though.
Space MarinesMovement
-Assault squads
moved forward as did left Death Spectres Tac squad and the Grey Knights.
-A War walker had a gun blown
off and the right vyper was shaken, the left vyper stunned, four Wraith Guard were shot down.
-All assault
squads charged, Vets and Captain hit the Guardians and killed all but one. Squad Reece hit the Wraith Guard and killed the
last one, leaving themselves out in the open... oops.
Turn 3EldarMovement
Hawks were still no shows and this turn saw the banshees abandon their position on the right and come running towards the
left and the imminent doom of the Assault Squads. Bike squadron on the right and the Vyper moved to the left to shoot at the
assault marines.
-Shooting saw one Death Spectre from the building squad fall, another Marine from squad
Daniard leaving the squad at half strength, squad Reece was annihilated after taking fire from both vypers, the Bikes, the
pathfinders, the reapers and the autarch. So not bad really.
-Bikes moved left. Last guardian died, assault
marines consolidated forward.
Space MarinesMovement
-Assault marines rushed to the Eldar left flank.
Death Spectre squad and Grey Knights continued to advance and got a few shots off.
-Another War Walker
was dropped and the Vyper on the right had it's gun shot off. Vyper on the left was stunned again.
Vincati charged the Autarch, squad Bailien charged the Reapers and squad Farian charged the Pathfindrs. Assault saw the pathfinders
wipe, the Exarch the sole survivor of the reapers and the Autarch down to one wound having failed to wound Captain Vincati
in return. Assault squad Farian consolidated into the remaining bike from the left squadron.
Turn 4EldarMovement
-Banshees continued left, the Swooping Hawks finally arrived and managed to take out a Death Spectre with their grenades
from the rear left squad. Right bikes continued moving left.
-Shooting saw the advancing Death Spectres
squad dropped down to one Marine and two Grey Knights fall to sniper fire.
-In Assault Captain Vincati
slashed down the Autarch and the bike and reapers were both finished off. All units consolidated to the right.
-Advancing lone Death Spectre rushed forward as did the Grey Knights, all assault marines and
the captain rushed to the right and squad Ordo moved out of it's building and towards the fight.
saw the Banshees wiped out to massed pistol and lascannon shots, the Grey Knights gunned down the Swooping Hawks.
Vincati charged the Farseer and managed to cut him down without being wounded in return and consolidated into the remaining
Captain Vincati rolled to the ground as the Eldar Jetbike rocketed past, the crackling blade of it's rider slashing
a deep groove across his Jump Pack. Balthier came up with a growl of rage as he spun to face the next pass of the Eldar commander.
Wheeling about at a wicked turn that would throw even the most experienced Space Marine biker, the Autarch came around hard
and fast his sickly glowing blade carving ornate patterns of death in the air as he swooped in for the kill. Well not this
day thought Balthier as he charged at the Autarch his fists held out and his claws extended as he charged towards his foe.
The Autarch turned his head, his visage seeming to grin despite the solidity of his helm as the vile xenos raised his blade
for a killing stroke. Yet Balthier was grinning too, throwing himself into a twisting dive and igniting his jump pack, Balthier
twisted around and rocketed along the ground throwing himself towards his foe and within his enemie's reach as he flew past
the undercarriage of the bike, claws exended. Xeno tech shattered under the blades, the bike's engine rupturing and throwing
it's rider clear in a roaring blast. The Autarch crashed to the ground, one leg twisting with a horrid snap and his blade
flying free. The Eldar lay crumpled on the ground as Captain Vincati picked himself up and stalked towards his foe. As Balthier
stood over the shattered Autarch he couldn't help letting a low laugh escape his lips as he slashed the head from the hatefull
Turn 5EldarMovement
-Vypers repositioned towards the center, and the bikes stayed put.
-Bikes shot at squad Farian killing one marine.
-Pathfinders cut down to one man by
Captain Vincati.
Space MarinesMovement
-Squad Bailien and squad Farian moved towards the fight.
War Walker bit the dust.
-Squad Bailien joined their Captain, squad Farian attacked the bikes. Combat saw
both Eldar units die to no marine cassualties.
Game Called, Victorious Slaughter for the Space Marines!
Concluding StatsEldar Cassualties
-Autarch Dead
-Farseer Dead
-5 Dark Reapers Dead
-6 Swooping
Hawks Dead
-15 Guardians Dead
-7 Howling Banshees Dead
-6 Jetbikes Dead
-5 Wraithguard Dead
-10 Pathfinders
-3 War Walkers Dead
-2 Vypers Damaged
Most Valuable Unit
The Pathfinders killed quite
a few marines and remained alive longer than any other squad.
Raven Guard Cassualties
-5 Assault Marines
Veteran Assault Marines
-3 Tactical Marines
Most Valued Unit
-Captain Vincat
My Commander killed not only
killed quite a few infantry but downed both enemy HQs in close combat personally and all without sustaining a single wound.
Death Spectres Cassualties
-2 Grey Knights
-21 Tactical Marines
Most Valued Uint
-Center Tactical
The center squad in it's nice building cover was soley responsible for the destruction of all 3 War Walkers, more
than any of the other squads managed.
Concluding ThoughtsSpace Marines
Well all in all the game went rather well. I made a few key mistakes,
namely moving the left Tactical squad when they should have stayed put to shoot at the Vypers some more and shooting at the
Wraith Guard when I should have just let the Assault marines take them on and remain in combat till the next turn, it would
have saved them from their rather nasty deaths. As for my ally the Death Spectres, he just seemed not to care about the game
and the last turn was controlled entirely by me after he wandered off, his mistakes were many but I managed to compensate
and the sheer volume of lascannon fire weighed out in the end. I don't think my brother was prepared to deal with six Lascannons.
This was truly the battle of the troops, more "Troops" units were involved in this game than almost any other that I've seen
and my brother even allowed the Death Spectres to take an extra troops totalling 7 for the Marines and 5 for the Eldar and
points wise the troops were in the majority as well, even with the beefy assault units and officer. A fun game and I wished
it had gone better and that I had my camera, but oh well.
Captain Vincati kicked the corpse of an Eldar pathfinder over, it's torn body leaked blood onto the wet grass below and
it's blank, lifeless eyes stared un-seeing into the endless blue sky above, features locked in the horror of death.
things aren't they sergeant?" Vincati asked glancing over to sergeant Bailien as he knelt at the prone form of Sergeant Reece.
Captain, they are," Replied Bailien as he waved over first squad's Apothecary. Brother Vode jogged over to kneel beside his
sergeant next to Reece and began working on the downed Sergeant.
"Will he live?" Vincati asked approaching.
sergeant, it appears he will though he will need a great deal of augmetic surgery, one of his lungs, his kidney, his secondary
heart, his right arm, leg, eye and the right half of his pelvis will all need to be either replaced or repaired with augmetics
and none of his squad survived, we cannot even find the body of brother Alfred." Sergeant Bailien answered as he stood and
faced his captain.
"That marine deserves a commendation," announced a marine wearing gunmetal grey Power Armor of an
ancient and ornate design, carrying a strange looking Power Sword and with a Storm Bolter mounted on his left wrist. "Forgive
my laxity, I am Justicar Tiberius of the Grey Knights Chapter."
"Well met Justicar, I am Captain Balthier Vincati
of the Raven Guard 3rd Company, and these are Brother Sergeants Bailien and Farian of the 1st and 2nd Assault Squads." Vincati
answered, introducing his sergeants as took their positions on either side of their Captain.
"Well met indeed Captain,
I must admit I am impressed by your prowess, personally killing so many of these xenos dogs, including the Farseer and the
Autarch in single combat, I will speak highly of you in my report to my Chapter's Masters." Tiberius said with a nod of respect.
"If that is what you wish, it was no more than my duty to Corax and the Emperor." Captain Vincati answered modestly.
so, nevertheless know that you have done the Ordo Malleus, the Ordo Xenos and the Grey Knights a great service this day, as
much as I hate to admit it the Death Spectres were not able to fulfill their mission without help, I suppose the standards
of the Ordo Xenos are falling." Tiberius said turning his head to view the field littered with the fallen of the Death Spectres,
barely fifteen marines were all that was left of two full companies. "Nevertheless with your aid we have accomplished our
mission and the witchery of these vile Xenos has been stopped, the artifacts recovered are even now being recovered and will
be brought to the Ordo Malleus, I am sure the Death Spectres will have recovered many items of interrest to the Ordo Xenos
as well, with any luck we will have weakened the Eldar grip on this region and will be able to keep safe the warp tainted
items recovered here. Your help in this will not be forgotten or go un-rewarded. Farewell Captain."
"May the Emperor
always be by your side." Captain Vincati answered as Justicar Tiberius turned and walked back across the field, the remaining
marines of his squad joining him, several carrying large boxes, heavily armored and well locked over their shoulders as they
made their way back to the ruins and the Thunderhawks that had arrived to carry them back to their awaiting Strike Cruisers.
have a bad feeling that our victory here will only come back to bite us in the rear sir," Said Sergeant Bailien.
know Sergeant, I believe you are right. Nevertheless the day is ours, the future consequences will be met when they come,
gather the fallen and the wounded and let us be gone from this place." Captain Vincati answered, striding across the field
towards the Raven Guard Thunderhawks, his mind buzzing with too many questions, and too few answers.
Well there it is, I hope you all like it and please let me know what you think.