Bond of Brothers
So my roommate has decided to get into 40k and he bought a Battleforce and some other
stuff last week for Space Marines. After a lot of discussion he decided upon Salamanders and to help him out I built his models
and designed a list for him and finally this afternoon we went down to the local hobby shop called 'Game Vault' to play a
game. I had origionally planned to run a demo game, but some gamers I had met last year wanted to get a game in so we decided
to run this as a trial by fire of sorts and jumped straight into a 2000pt, 2 v. 2 game. The lists were as follows:
Team 1 Black Templars and 13th Company
Black Templars
Emperor's Champion
Sword Brethren (10)
Venerable Dreadnaught, Assault Cannon,
Storm Bolter
Terminator Squad (6), Assault Cannons x2
Crusader Squad (10), Power Fist,
bolters, melta gun
Crusader Squad (5), Power Fist, melta gun
Crusader Squad ( 8 ), Plasma Cannon
Wolves 13th Company
Wolf Lord, 4+ inv. Save thingy, power weapon of some kind, lots of nasty
upgrades, very pricey... I don't know exactly what.
Wolf Priest... with herbs and balms and some other kit
Storm Claw Pack (9), Power Fist, Power Weapon
Grey Slayers Pack (10), Power Fist,
Melta Guns x2
Grey Slayers Pack (10), Power Fist, Melta Guns x2
Grey Slayers Pack (10), Power Fist, Melta Guns
Team 2 Raven Guard and Salamanders
Raven Guard 3rd Company
Balthier Vincati- Master, Master Crafted Lightning Claws, Artificer Armor, Termi Honors, Frags, Iron Halo, Jump Pack
Assault Squad Bailien (5)- Termi Honors, Lightning Claws, Furious Charge, Plasma Pistols x2, Melta Bombs, Combat Shield
Assault Squad Farian (5)- Termi Honors, Lightning Claws, Furious Charge, Plasma Pistols x2, Melta Bombs, Combat Shield
Squad Ordo (6)- Termi Honors, Power Weapon, Plasma Gun, Lascannon
Tactical Squad Daniard (6)- Termi Honors, Power Weapon,
Plasma Gun, Lascannon
Fast Attack:
Assault Squad Reece (5)- Termi Honors, Power Fist, Combat Shield
2nd Company
Salamanders Captain- Master, Power Weapon, Termi Honors, Iron Halo, Plasma Pistol,
Artificer Armor, Frags
Tactical Squad A ( 8 )- Multi Melta, Plasma Gun, Termi Honors, Power Weapon
Squad B (5)- Melta Guns x2, Termi Honors, Power Fist, Frags
Tactical Squad C (5)- Flamer
Tactical Squad D (5)-
Missile Launcher
Fast Attack:
Assault Squad (5)- Termi Honors, Power Fist, Flamers x2
Devastator Squad ( 8 )- Missile Launchers x2, Heavy Bolters x2
So roughly 2000pts per side, I think
Team 2 was slightly under, 13 or so points, maybe a little more or less and Team 1 was probably a little over, but whatever,
nothing I couldn't handle, the trouble was teaching my roommate at the same time. But lets see what happened.
2's deployment zone was devoid of terrain save for two buildings about 9 inches apart, a bunker on the left and ruined tower
on the right. Both Raven Guard Tactical Squads and Sallies Tac D went into the bunker, the Devs went onto the ruined tower
with Tac A infront of them, Tac C went infront of the bunker and Tac B in between with the Sallies Assault Squad and Assault
Squad Reece. Squad Bailien and Captain Vincati went behind the bunker, squad Farian behind the tower and the Sallies Captain
attatched to squad B.
Team 1 had lots of hills and things to hide behind and did so. One of the large crusader squads
went on either side of a large hill in the center of the board, with a squad of Grey Slayers behind each and the 3rd Grey
Slayers pack went in between. The Dread hid behind a ruined line of columbs slightly towards the right flank and the Wulfen
and Storm Claws went on the right flank, the Sword Brethren went on the left flank and the Plasma Cannon squad went next to
the ruined columbs with sight on the Devastators.
Captain Hannibal stared across the battlefield at the monsters
arrayed against him. Traitor marines all, blinded by their narrow faith, their pointless zeal and fighting alongside creatures
in the armor of the honorable Space Wolves. Who these mysterious marines were he had no idea, but they would meet the Emperor's
Justice for their heresy.
Hannibal looked to his left, leaning comfortably against the cracked wall of the bunker,
Captain Balthier Vincat looked rather bored, the claws of his mighty Lightning Claws sheathed. Around the captain stood a
squad of hardened Veterans, calm and stoic, similarly at ease. Hannibal always felt tense before a battle, the flames of Nocturne
burning within him, it was unnatural to see Astartes so calm before a fight, totally unconcerned. He knew the reputation of
the Raven Guard, he supposed that their prolonged infiltration operations probably made them immune to the simple anxiety
of pre-battle waiting, spending every second behind enemy lines in fear of sudden and unknown death. In many ways he was awed,
but he would not let the Salamanders down. The Salamanders chapter had a long and honored history with the Raven Guard and
Hannibal would not show weakness at this critical juncture. The battle would begin soon and the Salamanders would do their
part, for Vulkan and the Emperor!
Let the Game Begin!!!
Turn 1
Team 2 -My
roommate and I won the roll for first Turn and used it as wisely as we could. The 13th Company all ran 6" forward with their
scout move. To the combined guns of the Salamanders and Raven Guard three Wulfen bit the dust as did six Sword Brethren and
five Grey Slayers and not a single squad moved. The sword brethren berserked only 1 inch forward. Needless to say the Black
Templars were not happy but I was by no means going to draw them closer, faster.
Team 1 -Everything but the
Plasma Cannon squad ran forward, nothing had shots but the cannon which missed. Wulfen fleeted 6 Inches.
Turn 2
2 -Tac squads B and C and the Sallies Assault Squad and Squad Reece all moved forward and squad Farian leaped out to
attack the Wulfen. Shooting saw the Sword Brethren dropped to one marine. The Wulfen drop to 3 strong plus the Wolf Priest
and multiple Grey Slayers fell to flamers and gunfire. Squad Reece dropped all 3 Wulfen with Plasma Pistols and charged the
Wolf Priest. Assault Saw the Wolf Priest go down to squad Reece and take two of them with him. Though I must say the expression
on the 13th Company players face when squad Reece lept out was hilarious as he had just been talking smack about how nasty
the Wulfen were and how they were going to tear up the Salamanders. The Grey Slayers accompanying the Wolf Lord were wiped
out in assault by Squad Reece to two cassualties in return.
Team 1 -Whispering in quiet tones about their
tactics as my roommate and I simply stared in boredom Team 1 finally decided to act. Sword Brethren ran forward with the Grey
Slayers behind them and charged Squad C. Everything moved forward again as before except the Plasma Cannon. This time the
cannon hit well and killed 4 of the Devastators but they passed their morale. Squad Reece went down to the Wolf Lord and the
Salamanders Assault Squad by Assault Cannon fire from the Black Templars, Tac Squad B suffered two cassualties in shooting
and was Charged by the Wolf Lord and the three surviving Grey Slayers of the middle squad. Assault Saw two more of Squad B
go down to the Wolf Lord leaving just one poor marine. Squad C suffered a charge but managed to take down the last sword brethren
marine before being wiped out.
Turn 3
Team 2 -So this battle is escalating fast, but my roommate
quickly picked up on the battle plan and unlike our opponents we did not spend a ton of time conversing about tactics... none
actually. Instead we just acted. Squad Farian came to Captain Hannibal's rescue and Squad Bailien with Captain Vincati leapt
out to deal with the out of order puppies. Shooting saw the Dread have it's gun blown off and stunned and the BT squad with
the Plasma Cannon suffer four cassualties. In assault the Wulfen on the left were utterly annihilated by Captain Vincati and
squad Bailien. Squad Reece took two wounds off the Wolf Lord losing two marines and Captain Hannibal inflicted a further four
wounds, easily cutting down the vaunted Wolf Lord. With the death of all but three of his models the 13th Company player wandered
away from the table, leaving the game to the BT player. The last of squad B finally fell and everyone consolidated apart.
Gunfire from the Raven Guard took down four of the forward BT Crusader Squad.
Team 1 -Ran forward, shot
a lot, absolutely no cassualties inflicted, particularly Captain Hannibal who suffered a wound to an assault cannon but took
the fire from two AC and two squads of bolter fire with no additional wounds. BT player slumped his head to the table and
threw in the towel. Game over.
End Results
Black Templar Cassualties -9 Initiates -10 Sword Brethren -Damaged
Venerable Dreadnaught
13th Company Cassualties -27 Grey Slayers -10 Storm Claws -Wolf Lord -Rune Priest -10
Salamanders Cassualties -14 Marines -5 Assault Marines -Wounded Captain Hannibal
Raven Guard
Cassualties -9 Assault Marines
Total Victory Points
Team 1 ~ 670 Team 2 ~ 1270 Margin ~ 600
Solid Victory for the Raven Guard and Salamanders!
Captain Hannibal leaned on his Power Maul, his left hand pressed
against the slash in his side where assault cannon fire from the traitors had nearly torn him in two. Regaining his breath
Hannibal looked across the field, Captain Vincati kicked over the corpse of a Space Wolf and slashed it's head off, killing
the wounded marine. In the field over twenty Black Templars marines were on their knees, stripped of their armor and in chains,
held under the gun point of thirty marines from the Raven Guard and Salamanders. Captain Vincati saw the direction his counterpart's
gaze and strode over to meet him.
"Well done Captain, we have won a great victory here today," Captain Vincati announced,
sweeping one hand to indicate the battlefield and the traitor corpses being piled for burning.
"Yes, but still it seems
such a waste, for loyal servants of the Imperium to face each other in battle, when there are so many other foes deserving
death," Captain Hannibal replied standing straighter despite the pain.
"True enough, it is a lamentable duty but one
that nevertheless must be done. Still we can rest easy knowing the Imperium is made safer by our actions," Vincati said, his
gaze meating Hannibal's. "I will report the courage of you and your men Captain, your names will go down in the annals of
the Raven Guard, you have proven the quality of the Salamanders yet again, it was an honor to fight by your side."
honor is mine Captain Vincati," Hannibal replied. "May the Emperor Guide you."
"And you," Vincati responded, turning
smartly and striding back to the waiting Thunderhawk Gunships. Yes the battle had been won, the honor of Vulkan had been upheld
and it was time to heal.
Vash113 End Game Thoughts -Our opponents proved an all out rush was foolish,
careful fire discipline and a strong defence strategy coupled with a powerful counter charge and lure elements drew in and
then beheaded our foes, breaking the 13th Company and then leaving the Black Templars before the unyeilding guns of our forces.
Text book tactics, it's lamentable that so many of the first wave of counter charge and lure forces fell but it worked and
drew the enemy in nice and quick to be finished off efficiently. For such a brutal game it was over quick. It could have gone
better, but not by much and my roommate learned quite a bit, a good start, a very good start.
Salamander Deathwish End Game Thoughts
-My game seemed to be more of a test o' passion then a test of skill. The other team was lame-o as they could not even
agree on what to do with their armies. We won in the end and that is the main point.