This campaign uses the jungle fight rules found here: short the amount of terrain is greatly increased from the norm of 25-50% that I usually see to easily 70-90%. This
map included a single clearing with some ruined walls and a long trail with a clear hill and an area of dangerous terrain.
Thats it, all the rest was jungle.
My Tau, the Or'es Shi cadre: Irregulars 8 Firewarriors, bonded, shas'ui -Devilfish APC, multi tracker, targeting
array, decoy launchers Team Alpha 8 Firewarriors, bonded, shas'ui -Devilfish APC, multi tracker, targeting array, decoy
Believe it or not I can actually fit 2 skimmers in a 400 point game. Both FW squads came in at exactly 100
ponts, both skimmers were also exactly 100. 400 on the nose. The Devilfish just squeezes into the armor requirements
for combat patrol.
Second Tau 10 Firewarriors, shas'ui, bonded 10 Firewarriors, shas'ui, bonded Crisis Battlesuite,
team leader, flamer, T/L plasma rifle, HW MT 7 Gun Drones
Deployment put drones on far right, 2 Firewarrior squads on the left side by side and the crisis suite between the two
groups. Both my tanks sat behind the hill.
Turn 1: Tau Team 1 I skimmed right up behind the hill.
Team 2 He foot slogged forward.
Turn 2: Tau Team 1 I dumped All the Firewarriors on the hill.
Tau Team
2 More foot slogging forward, a drone crashed and burned.
Turn 3: Tau Team 1 Tanks skim forward, 3 Drones
shot down they break and fall back 18 inches, Crisis Suite killed, a few Firewarriors die.
Tau Team 2 Tries to take
some shots at skimmers, doesnt work too well. Drones off the board.
Turn 4: Tau Team 1 More Firewarriors shot
down, the Irregulars re consolidate their possition on the hill.
Tau Team 2 Move forward more trying to shoot skimmers.
5: Tau Team 1 More Firewarriors shot down.
Tau Team 2 Manages to stun the Irregulars fish.
Turn 6: Tau
Team 1 Irregulars rush into the jungle. Team Alpha rushes up to their spot. Both teams rapid fire into the larger of the
remaining enemy Firewarrior squads, kill all but shas'ui who sticks. Alpha Teams Devilfish kills all but the other teams shas'ui
who sticks.
Tau Team 2 First Shas'ui fails last man standing test and runs, other makes it and sticks. Moves forward
and kills 1 member from the Irregulars.
Tau Team 1 Loses 1 Firewarrior
Tau Team 2 Loses 19
Firewarriors 1 Crisis Suite 7 Gun Drones
Victorious Slaughter or Crushing Victory for the Tau... team 1 that
is. Not too sure which it was, either Victorious slaughter or very close.