Well I finally, finally, finally fought a game. For the first time in Ive lost track of how long. Im currently sick with
mono and decided to go to the local hobby shop only because my brother wanted to go and on the off chance that anyone would
actually be opponentless I took my army. As it happens it wasnt that active of a day and an ork player was sitting around
with anyone to fight. So I decided to give it a go. My first battle against the green skins. It was just whatever points he
could cobble together I said Id match and that number ended up being around 1350 though Im not to sure. I ended up using my
army list from the 3rd edition codex and the old rules for the simple reason that nothing in my army really used the new rules.
No markerlights or pathfinders, no sniper drones or special issue wargear, no D'yi broadsides, krootox, skyray or anything
new or altered. So with a sinus headache I decided I wasnt in a mood to rework the pointages and just went with the old list.
The lists were roughly as follows:
Orks: Warboss with some upgrades I dont remember Choppa Boys
numbering roughly 15 I think with a nob. Choppa Boys again around 15 with nob and 3 burnas and the warboss attatched. Dreadnaught
with rocket launcher and claw whatever. Trukk boys (10) with nob Looted Leman Russ, battle cannon, heavy bolter, extra
armor plates Something like 25 Gretchin or so with slaver Heavy weapon batery Im not sure what it was called or what
guns they were but 3 big guns and 6 crewman total. Almost forgot a 10 strong Tank Busta unit with a lot of rokkits. ....
I think thats about it.
Tau: Shas'O, FB, PR, SG the usual Shas'vre, BC, MP, MT Shas'ui, BC, MP, MT Shas'ui,
BC, MP, MT Firewarriors (10), shas'ui, bonded -Devilfish APC, MT, DL, TA Firewarriors (10), shas'ui, bonded -Devilfish
APC, MT, DL, TA Hammerhead Gunship, Railgun, BC, MT, DC, TL Hammerhead Gunship, Railgun, BC, MT, DC, TL Hammerhead
Gunship, Ioncannon, BC, MT, DC, TL
Ok so in retrospect this is rather cruel but then again most of my fights against
the people at this particular hobby shop seem to be this way. They all favor heavy foot slogging and when faced with this
much armor suddenly think they should start looking for missil launchers.
Deployment and terrain really didnt come
into tactical play much but there was a small building on my right flank with some ruined vehicle parts infront and a small
circular crater just right of center of my deployment and a little semi circle of hills on the left. There was a large hill
in the right corner of my opponents deployment and another smaller one on the left. The center was split by a river right
down the middle with random barbed wire alongside it. A few smaller hills were strewn about.
went behind the right hill, mob with boss went right behind it, leman russ on the far left with dread close to it on the right,
large mob of orks stradled the river with the gretchin in front. The heavy weapons went on the hill on the right. One railhead
went on my far left, the ionhead on its right, then the two devilfish with firewarriors loaded in and the last railhead on
the far right.
Turn 1 Orks: Trukk rushed out, rockit unit moved forward, russ did too and promptly knocked the
gun off my Ionhead (great will I ever get to see how this gun actually performs, oh well). Everything else moved forward in
great mobs.
Tau: Right Railhead took a pot shot at the Leman Russ, it got vehicle obscured but I still blew the
battle cannon off. Left Railhead sent 7 of the 10 tankbustas to an early grave and the rest broke. I killed a gretchin and
blew up a gun from the heavy weapons with some random small arms and the battlesuits took down the trukk and shot up more
than a few of its occupants. Again 7 of the 10. A few orks and gretchin snuffed it.
Turn 2 Orks: Trukk boys advance
on my devilfish and try to hit them but fail. Both mobs and gretchin advance, dread takes some shots at left Railhead, nothing
happens. Leman shoots at drones with heavy bolter, no wounds.
Tau: I shifted my Devilfish to the right, Hammerheads
kept shifting around, previously stunned Ionhead lets its bursts rip, a good few orks and gretchin die to various fire, crisis
suits really dont move, I drop the first Firewarrior squad out behind the devilfish but guessed slightly wrong and accidently
left too much of a gap around the tank. They killed a few orks but I seem to suddenly be plagued by bad luck, all missils
and solid shots on vehicles fail to hit let alone damage. Other Railhead decides to see what would happen if a pie plate is
dropped on the heavy weapon teams. The result is 3 dead gretchin and another crunched gun, survivors end up running, wahoo.
Turn 3 Orks: My Firewarriors get flamed then assaulted killing 9 of the 10 but with no base to base models left
I manage to break away and the survivor happens to be my Shas'ui, bonded he turns around but still faces last man standing
checks. The drones get tank shocked and manage to fall back just little enough to stay infront of my Shas'O. More advancing.
A little more shooting, my left Railhead got shaken.
Tau: Shooting... lots of shooting, as this was the last turn
to be played I unloaded my second Firearrior squad and let them shoot. All my tanks let rip with their bursts, solid shot
at leman misses (more bad luck) most of the burst cannon shooting does mediocre. My Shas'O finally got close enough to the
russ to fire but rolled tripple snake eyes (what was I saying about luck?) Lots of dead orks now all squads well below half
even the gretchin are extremely thinned, tankbustas long gone, leman with no gun, heavy weapons gone and boss out in the open
and prime for shooting.
At this point the ork player decided that he didnt want to see his orks shot to pieces over
the next 3 turns so he conceded the game. Looking at what was left even with continued terrible luck by the end of turn 6
while I may have ended up losing some more units the enemy would still have been killed to a man. All this with terrible luck
and being sick... man I gotta find new opponents.
Ork Cassualties: 20 Odd Choppa Boys 8 Trukk Boys 10 Tank
Bustas 23 Gretchin 3 Heavy Weapons Trukk Main gun off Russ
Tau Cassualties: 9 Firewarriors Ionhead
minus its Ioncannon
Just for the record.
Well anyway this is hopefully the last battle Ill fight with my old
codex army. Though finding a good way to integrate new units into my army is proving a little troublesome. Im thinking dismantle
the ionhead to make an SMS armed devilfish and replace the heavy support with a skyray then throw in some piranha's and depending
on how they do determine on how many. Im thinking 2 for starters. What to add with the devilfish is another question, pathfinders
or firewarriors, hmm... markerlights or pulse rifles, hmm... and a shas'el with spiffy new wargear sounds interesting. Comments
always welcome, I probably missed something, meds do annoying things to the mind.