I finally got a game in and my brother chose my Ultramarines for this fight since I gave him the choice. So at roughly
1500 Eldar vs Marines the lists were as follows:
Some fluff:
Captain Thalion listened intently to the vox
chatter as his rhino slewed into position in the outskirts of Rafelo City. The Eldar had attacked for an unknown reason but
the Ultramarines had responded to the attack in force. Fresh from Macragge with new equipment and heavily reinforced from
the drastic cassualties previously suffered the 7th Company was ready to bring the Emperor's justice to the vile Eldar xenos.
With four squads dug in, armored support and reserve units the Ultramarines were well prepared to meet the Eldar attack. Fully
expecting the enemy to dig in and try to out shoot them from the outer barricades lost early in the battle for the city, Captain
Thalion had prepared some surprises for the Eldar. The aliens would fall this day, the citizens of the Emperor would be protected,
and the Ultramarines would move onto the next warzone. There was no doubt, for Captain Thalion and his men had faith.
Eldar: Farseer,
Fortune, Guide, Spirit Stones Dark Reapers (5), Exarch, Tempest Launcher, Fast Shot Howling Banshees (7), Exarch, Mirror
Swords x2 Storm Guardians (10), Warlock, Enhance Guardian Jetbikes (5), Warlock, Enhance, 1 Shuriken Cannon Vyper
Squadron (2), Holo Fields, Spirit Stones, Starcannon x2 War Walkers (2), Star Cannon x2, Bright Lance x2, Spirit Stones War
Walker, Star Cannons x2, Spirit Stones Warp Spiders (6), Exarch with Power Blades
Ultramarines 7th Company: Captain
Vash Thalion, Master, Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon, Iron Halo, Frags, Terminator Honors Command Squad (6), Champion, Apothecary,
Standard Bearer, Sergeant with Terminator Honors, Power Fist, x2 Marines with BP & CCW -Rhino APC, Extra Armor, Smokes,
Pintle Mounted Storm Bolter Chaplain Claudius, Master of Sanctity, bolt pistol, jump pack, terminator honors, frags Dreadnaught,
twin linked lascannon, missil launcher, venerable Tactical Squad Tyriel (10), Terminator Honors, Power Fist, Melta Gun Tactical
Squad Oscelo (10), Terminator Honors, Power Weapon, Plasma Gun, Missil Launcher Tactical Squad Uriel (5), Lascannon Tactical
Squad Ramus (5), Missil Launcher Assault Squad Herrion (6), Terminator Honors, Power Fist, Plasma Pistol x3, Melta Bombs Predator
Annihilator, Pintle Mounted Heavy Bolters
There was a large administratum building in my lower right
deployment zone and an Imperialis in the lower left in my deployment zone. There was an Ad Mech building in the upper right
in the Eldar deployment zone. There was also a trench in the center of the Eldar DP and several small crahsed lander pieces
scattered around the center of the board.
Dark Reapers went ontop of the Manufactorum with the
Farseer below them. Storm Guardians into the trench with the Howling Banshees behind them. The War Walkers went behind the
Banshees with the Vypers to their left. Warp spiders went between walkers and vypers. Squad Oscelo went into the Imperialis
building on the left, Squad Tyriel went on the bottom two floors of the Administratum, Squads Uriel and Ramus took up the
top two floors with several marines on the roof. The Dread and Predator went behind the Administratum, the Rhino with the
command squad inside went behind the Imperialis building and the Assault Marines went behind the Rhino.
Turn 1:
I won the role but I made my brother go first hoping the reapers would not shoot me up too bad and he would come in range
some. War Walkers moved right some, the Vypers moved left, Guardians and Banshees stayed in their positions. Farseer used
fortune and guide on the Reapers. Reapers then let rip and together with the War Walkers took out squad Uriel and their Lascannon.
Ultramarines Rhino moved out, Assault marines hunkered behind it. Pred and Dread moved into the Administratum
building, every unit in the Administratum fired on the reapers killing a grand total of 1. Squad Oscelo fired at the warp
spiders but missed.
Cassualties so far: 1 Dark Reaper 5 Space Marines
Turn 2:
Eldar War walkers
moved left some, vypers moved forward into range, since they had been out of range last turn. Gunfire downed only one member
of squad Ramus and two assault marines. Rhino took a crew shaken but that would not stall the advance. Vypers killed two members
of squad Oscelo. Warp spiders moved far up. Predator got toasted by the walkers.
Ultramarines Rhino moved forward
and unloaded command squad. Assault marines moved up. Fire downed two of the War Walkers and immobolized the third. Gunfire
downed two more Dark Reapers. Assault marines with chaplain charged the warp spiders, exarch managed to wound the chaplain
once but the squad was wiped out and the assault marines moved into the Jetbikes.
Turn 3:
Guardians moved to engage the Assault Marines as did the banshees. Walker fired but failed to wound anyone, vypers downed
another member of squad Oscelo. In close combat the banshees failed to reach combat because the storm guardians blocked the
path. Chaplain took another wound and 3 more of the Assault marines died. Sergeant Tyriel punshed through the warlock and
another bike, Chaplain Claudius killed 3 Storm Guardians. Bikers and Storm Guardians failed morale, guardians got caught by
initiative and run down, bikes escaped because none were left in base to base contact and fell back 10 inches leaving them
1 1/2 inches from the board edge. Claudius and Sergeant Tyriel swept towards the reapers.
Rhino and Command Squad
moved and fired into the Banshees killing 2. Fire took down the remaining walker and knocked a gun off a vyper. Sergeant Tyriel
and Chaplain Oscelo charged the Reapers wiping them out. Command Squad charged the banshees. Captain Thalion cut down the
exarch while the rest of the command squad butchered the banshees, losing only one marine in the process.
Eldar conceded
defeat and legged it. End game results:
Eldar Cassualties: 6 Warp Spiders- Full Points to Marines 7 Howling Banshees-
Full Points to Marines 10 Sorm Guardians - Full Points to Marines 5 Dark Reapers- Full Points to Marines 3 War Walkers-
Full Points to Marines 5 Jet Bikes- Full Points to Marines Damaged Vyper- Half Points to Marines
Cassualties: 5 Assault Marines- Half Points to Marines 3 Tactical Marines From Squad Oscelo- No Points to Eldar 1
Tactical Marine from Squad Ramus- No Points to Eldar 5 Marines from Squad Uriel- Full Points to Eldar 1 Command Squad
Marine- No Points to Eldar Predator Annihilator- Full Points to Eldar Wounded Chaplain- Half Points to Eldar
Ultramarines Victory
Some final fluff:
Captain Thalion flicked the dead Eldar off his shimmering power sword.
Looking around him he saw his command squad regrouping. Cassualties had been light. While Sergeant Uriel had been lost many
of his marines would recover. Squad Herrion was also lucky, Apothecary Aurelius said several of the fallen would fight again
as well. Few marines had been finished for good, Aurelius was already gathering their gene seed. As his marines formed up
around him Captain Vash Thalion was satisfied that the battle had been executed with the speed and precision demanded by the
Codex Astartes. The remaining Eldar would be cleaned out by the Imperial Guard. It was time to move on to the next war zone.