Today I played a friend of mine at his
apartment. Started at around 9 and went till 12 but in that time we got in two games, at 2000 and a 1500pts respectively.
I decided to let my Blood Ravens rest for a while and took out my Ultramarines, the boys in blue for a good fight. My opponent
had recently sold his Eldar and now has about 2500pts of Grey Knights and decided to use them. The lists were as follows:
2000pts game, victory points objective
(I know not very imaginative)
Ultramarines 7th Company
Master Captain Vash Thalion
-Power Weapon, Iron Halo, Frags, Melta
Bombs, Terminator Honors and Plasma Pistol
Command Squad Baelin(6)
-Champion, Apothecary, Standard Bearer,
Sergeant with Terminator Honors and Power Fist, x2 Marines with ccw & bp
-Rhino APC, Extra Armor, Storm Bolter,
Master of Sanctity Claudius Veridian
-Bolt Pistol, Terminator Honors, Frags,
Meltas, Jump Pack
Tactical Squad Tyriel (10)
-Terminator Honors, Power Fist, Melta Gun,
Tactical Squad Oscelo (10)
-Terminator Honors, Power Weapon, Plasma
Gun, Missile Launcher
Tactical Squad Altaris (5)
Tactical Squad Eurida (5)
-Missile Launcher
Assault Squad Herrion (6)
-Terminator Honors, Plasma Pistol x3, Meltas,
Power Fist
Land Raider Infernum
-Storm Bolter
Predator Annihilator Firestorm
-Lascannon Sponsons, Storm Bolter
Whirlwind Ultimatum
Dreadnaught Vindicatus Morti
-Twin Linked Lascannon, Missile Launcher
Now if you took the time to tally that
all up you will find that I was actually 145pts under 2000. Oh well, as long as I was not over the limit its fine.
Grey Knights Detatchment Andross
Grand Master Andross
Terminator Squad Rioss (7)
Terminator Squad Caimon (3)
Grey Knight Squad Emon (7)
-Psycannon x2
Grey Knight Squad Weiss (7)
-Psycannon x2
Grey Knight Squad Feralla (7)
-Incinerator x2
Grey Knight Squad Veron (7)
-Incinerator x2
Dreadnaught Scipio
-Twin Linked Lascannon, DCCW (and probably
other stuff)
Dreadnaught Berreon
-Twin Linked Lascannon, DCCW
Land Raider Crusader Ragnarok
I’m not entirely sure about the numbers
for the GK squads so I may not be entirely accurate but I think they were all 7 man squads and Im pretty sure the squad in
the crusader was 7 men and the GM.
The Terrain was two wrecked Dreads and
a Land speeder scattered in the center of the board, a small graveyard to the lower right, a building to the lower left and
upper right and a small hill of rubble in the upper left. Not a whole lot of terrain really but its all we could scrounge
Both Incinerator squads went into reserves
to deep strike. The other two squads went out in the open in a line with the 3 man terminator squad in the middle. One Dread
went to the left, the other to the right, Land Raider Crusader to the right behind the Dread and the Building. 7 Man Termie
squad and GM went into the Crusader of Course.
Vash and his command squad went into their
rhino that then went behind the Land Raider which sat sideways in the middle of my deployment zone. Whirlwind went behind
my building on the left with the Dread next to it and the Pred next to the Dread. All three shooty Tac Squads deployed in
the building and squad Tyriel went to the right of the building in the open.
Mud tore into the air as the massive Treads
of the Land Raider Infernum. The venerable tank moving into position for the coming battle, a Rhino APC right behind it. The
air itself was thick with tension as the Ultramarines 7th Company prepared to face the forces of a fellow chapter of Space
Marines, the secret 666th Chapter, the Grey Knights. Daemonhunters allied with the Ordo Malleus the Grey Knights had come
to purge the 7th Company. After Vash Thalion and his men had fought to near annihilation against the foul forces of the traitor
Thousand Sons legion and their daemonic allies a puritanical Inquisitor by the name of Tassidar Iexos had accused the 7th
of daemonic taint and dispatched a surprisingly large force of Grey Knights to deal with the Ultramarines.
However the Ordo Malleus was largely not
behind Tassidar and an Inquisitor by the name of Dante had apparently let slip the operation to the Blood Ravens 5th Company,
who had fought alongside the Ultramarines several times in recent years and it was the Blood Ravens who warned Captain Thalion
of the coming attack. With the warning Thalion had been able to make land fall on this backwater world and prepare for the
coming of the Grey Knights. He could not ambush the daemonhunters but he could certainly level the playing field.
“Claudius, are the men prepared?”
Thalion called to his trusted friend.
“Their faith is strong Captain, these
accusations will be put down through more than strength of arm.” Claudius replied marching up to his commander.
“Then we shall teach these accusers
how wrong they are, For the Emperor and Guilliman!” Vash cried to a resounding cheer from his warriors.
Turn 1:
I managed to win first turn and I opened
up by blowing up both Dreadnaughts and killing all of the 3 man Terminator squad. The Land Raider had moved to the right 6”,
the Predator and Dread moving 6” out each to get sight on the enemy. Squad Tyriel had moved forward and the rhino had
moved forward 12” and deposited Captain Thalion and his command squad behind it. The Assault marines jumping out behind
Captain Thalion, other shooting saw the fall of 3 more Grey Knights.
Grey Knights
With the situation already not in their
favor the Grey Knights marched forward resolutely. Their gunfire was almost entirely directed at the rhino but despite 2 penetrating
hits and 3 glancing hits nothing higher than a 3 was rolled and the rhino shook off the punishment. The Land Raider roared
out from its cover though the rhino absorbed all of its gunfire and survived.
Turn 2:
Pred, and Land Raider and Dread fired at
the enemy Land Raider Crusader but failed to stop it till Tac Squad Altaris blew it apart with their single lascannon shot.
The Grey Knight Terminators piled out but were entangled. The rest of the gunfire saw another two Grey Knights die.
Grey Knights
First reserves squad arrived, landed on
the other side of the rhino and flamed down 5 of the 6 men in the command squad. My armor saves were just terrible. The other
Grey Knight squads shot, then assaulted squad Tyriel, close combat saw the sergeant slain by the Justicar and only 2 men left.
The Grey Knights had hit hard and fast
but the Ultramarines had been relentless. Despite the loss of most of squad Tyriel the enemy had suffered badly, all of the
Grey Knight armor lay in smoking ruins including the huge bulk of a Land Raider Crusader and a number of the enemy lay dead.
“Claudius, prepare yourself and squad
Herrion and charge the enemy in support of squad Tyriel, I will join you with sergeant Baelin.” Thalion ordered, his
armor still smoking from the terrible flames.
“Death the enemy!” Roared Claudius
as his jump pack lifted him into the air, it was time for retribution.
Turn 3:
Ignoring the incinerator GK squad Captain
Thalion rushed in to support the beleaguered squad Tyriel, Chaplain Claudius and Assault Squad Herrion doing the same. Gunfire
cut down all but the Justicar in the Incinerator squad and left the other GK squad at 3 men. 2 GK terminators also fell to
long range firepower. Charging into combat the GKs were easily wiped out.
At this point my opponent conceded the
game. Victory to the Ultramarines!
Vash spun under the sweeping blade of the
Grey Knight Justicar, his captains cloak whipping out behind him as he turned, his own blade flashed in a glittering upward
arc and with a spray of blood the Justicar fell, a great gaping wound across his chest. Captain Thalion stood to survey the
battlefield. The Grey Knights had fallen back, those still alive teleporting to safety.
“They have retreated” Coughed
Baelin, his armor black with smoke.
“So they have,” Replied Vash
turning to meet the wounded sergeant’s gaze. “But they will return, and when they do we must make sure they will
not come back for a third attempt, we must stop them for the honor of the chapter.”
The Grey Knights were preparing for a second
strike, yet they would meet the same fate once more, the Ultramarines were dug in and ready, let them come they would be defeated
all the same. There was no other option, for the Emperor, for Guilliman and for the honor of the Ultramarines the 7th Company
could not fall here.
Accusations Part 2
Well having spent less than an hour on
the previous battle we decided to have another go after the stunningly one sided fight before we decided to downsize both
armies to 1500pts (and it was here that I noticed my army was rather largely under strength… oops, that was kind of
like adding insult to injury or would have been if both of us hadn’t found the previous game rather funny. So onto the
second match and the armies:
1500pts, victory points objective
Ultramarines 7th Company
Master Captain Vash Thalion
-Power Weapon, Iron Halo, Frags, Melta
Bombs, Terminator Honors and Plasma Pistol
Command Squad Baelin(6)
-Champion, Apothecary, Standard Bearer,
Sergeant with Terminator Honors and Power Fist, x2 Marines with ccw & bp
Master of Sanctity Claudius Veridian
-Bolt Pistol, Terminator Honors, Frags,
Meltas, Jump Pack, Artificer Armor
Tactical Squad Tyriel (10)
-Terminator Honors, Power Fist, Melta Gun,
-Rhino APC, Extra Armor, Storm Bolter,
Tactical Squad Oscelo (10)
-Terminator Honors, Power Weapon, Plasma
Gun, Missile Launcher
Tactical Squad Altaris (5)
Tactical Squad Eurida (5)
-Missile Launcher
Assault Squad Herrion (6)
-Terminator Honors, Plasma Pistol x3, Meltas,
Power Fist
Land Raider Infernum
-Storm Bolter
Grey Knights Detatchment Andross
Grand Master Andross
Terminator Squad Rioss (5)
Grey Knight Squad Emon (7)
-Psycannon x2
Grey Knight Squad Weiss (7)
-Psycannon x2
Grey Knight Squad Feralla (7)
-Incinerator x2
Grey Knight Squad Veron (7)
-Incinerator x2
Dreadnaught Scipio
-Twin Linked Lascannon, DCCW (and probably
other stuff)
Dreadnaught Berreon
-Twin Linked Lascannon, DCCW
The Terrain was two wrecked Dreads and
a Land speeder scattered in the center of the board, a small graveyard to the lower right, a building to the lower left and
upper right and a small hill of rubble in the upper left. The whirlwind, Predator and Dreadnaught I was now not using were
added to the pile of wrecks in the middle of the board and a single rock. So more terrain than last time.
My three shooty tac squads stayed put in
the building they had been in before, Tac squad Tyriel went into the rhino and the command squad went into the Land Raider.
Land Raider then sat right next to the building with the rhino behind and the assault squad behind the building. GK Dreads
hid behind his building and the two psycannon squads hid as much as possible as well. Two incinerator squads and Terminators
held in reserves.
Casualties so far had been light and reinforcements
had been brought to plug the gaps. The second wave of Grey Knights was marching across the field, halting just out of range,
their mate grey armor glinting in the setting sun, their Nemesis Force halberds glowing a deep red, shimmering with power.
Two more Dreadnaughts stomped into view, their hulls aglow with sacred oils and their weapons resplendent in the last hour
of sunlight.
“Is that all?” Tyriel asked
looking at the line of enemies, he had been wounded in the previous engagement but had insisted on leading his squad into
battle again. His armor was still dented and battered, the rough repairs of the techmarines obviously visible but the man
still gave off a visible aura of power, his massive power fist flickering with pent up energy.
“No, far from it I expect they will
have at least as many men teleporting into battle as they do already on the field and probably the Grand Master we saw in
the last battle will be back with his surviving Terminators to try and finish us off.
“He will fail!” Exclaimed Claudius
his black armor shimmering in the ruddy light.
“Then by the time the sun dies so
shall the Grey Knights lay dead on this field of battle. For the Emperor men, show them no mercy!” Cried Vash as he
climbed on top of the Land Raider Infernum, the battle would be joined and these Grey Knights would be taught a lesson for
trying to pass judgment on the Ultramarines.
Turn 1:
Once again I rolled for first turn and
my shooting wasn’t bad, blew up one Dread and left the other without its gun, leaving the enemy stuck without any weapons
capable of taking out my Land Raider. The land Raider moved to the right to get shots and the Rhino moved forward fully and
then unloaded Tac squad Tyriel behind it. Gunfire let into the Grey Knights and downed a few of them but not many.
Grey Knights
Grey Knights stormed forward and unloaded
their psycannons into Tac Squad Altaris killing 4 of the 5 men. The lone lascannon marine stuck his ground. Gunless Dread
marched forward and right to stay hidden but trying to get close.
Turn 2:
Lone lascannon marine rolled double 6’s
on his last man standing and then double 6’s to fall back, running off the board. This was frustrating but not the end
of the world, rhino moved to the left to get out of the way and all squads opened fire on the Grey Knights killing again only
a few Grey Knights, a rocket launcher shot from squad Eurida failed to down the Dread.
Grey Knights
Dread stomped closer, all 3 reserves squads
came in, shooting saw 7 of the 10 men in squad Tyriel drop and 2 of squad Oscelo. Both Incinerator squads dropped slightly
right of my building position, the Terminators farther right.
Captain Thalion sent a burning ball of
plasma roaring from his pistol to explode against the armored hide of a downed Grey Knigths Dreadnaught from the previous
battle. Superheated plasma hissing as it splattered against the Grey Knights armor but failing to injure any of them, the
Knights had stormed forward in an implacable line and the fight had been furious with sheets of bolter fire filling the air
between the two forces. Marines were dying on both sides and then suddenly three full squads of Grey Knights including the
surviving Terminators from the previous engagement teleported right in front of the Ultramarines position.
“For the Primarch and the Emperor
do not let up, give them everything you’ve got, for the Honor of the Chapter defeat these foes!” Thalion cried
before ducking back into the Land Raider to rejoin his men, it was time to teach these Grey Knights a lesson in dealing with
the sons of Guilliman.
Turn 3:
Squad Tyriel moved into cover and fired
on the Grey Knight Terminators killing one with their melta gun. The other tac squads opened fire on the Grey Knights leaving
no squad over 5 men and one squad with just a Justicar, Assault Squad Herrion then charged one of the Incinerator squads with
Chaplain Claudius and slaughtered them, consolidating into the Terminators. Vash took a wound off the Grand Master, his roles
not too great today and the Champion cut down two more Terminators but the command squad was cut down to a man.
Grey Knights
The three remaining Grey Knight squads
marched forward, the lone Justicar moving to attack the two survivors of squad Herrion and the other two opening fire on the
squads in cover but killed only one marine of squad Oscelo. In close combat squad Herrion was cut down by the Justicar and
Chaplain Claudius killed the Grand Master but with his force weapon the Grand Master killed Claudius in return, Captain Thalion
finished off the final two Terminators and kept fighting the Justicar.
A thunderous slam echoed across the battlefield
as the front ramp of the Land Raider Infernum opened suddenly to reveal Captain Thalion and his Command Squad. The Veterans
of the Ultramarines charged forth to clash with the greatest warriors of the Grey Knights in a swirling and bloody melee.
Chaplain Claudius and Squad Herrion dropped on plumes of flame to tear apart a squad of Grey Knights before rushing to join
their Captain.
Captain Thalion parried a lightning strike
from a Grey Knight Terminator, reversing his grip on the blade to slide it past the marines defenses and bury the blade in
the veteran’s throat. Withdrawing his sword Vash turned to dodge another slash from a Nemesis Force halberd, his weapon
flashing out to cut a deep furrow across the Terminator’s shoulder guard. The Terminator stopped as Champion Quintus
impaled the warrior from behind but the veteran warrior could not withdraw his own blade in time, despite his attempts to
bring his shield to bear the Grand Master Andross slashed his blade through Quintus’ torso, leaving a terrible gash
and puncturing one of the marine’s lungs. Quintus fell to the ground, alive but unable to continue the fight.
Claudius suddenly appeared his Crozius
Arcanum flashing out as he caught Andross’ blade, the Grey Knight roared as he pulled his magnificent blade back with
terrible speed and spun it around in a downward arc to clash with Claudius’ crozius once more. The Chaplian would not
let up and twisting under the blade Claudius smashed his sacred icon through the Grand Master’s left arm, severing it
just above the elbow, continuing his slash Claudius drove his Crozius through the waist of the Grand Master, a crimson spray
jetting from the rent in the ancient armor. As Claudius roared with victory the dying Grand Master reversed his swords momentum
and brought it around in a miraculously quick stab, tearing through Claudius breastplate, the Rosarius failing to fend off
the deadly blow. With a roar of his own the Grand Master sent all of his pent up rage and hatred blasting from the blade of
the Nemesis Force Sword, blasting the Chaplain from the blade and fully fifteen meters through the air before Claudius hit
the side of the Infernum and fell to the ground, barely alive.
Coughing the Grand Master’s strength
finally failed and he fell to the ground, Captain Thalion stepped over the fallen figure and took the leg out from one of
the remaining Terminators bringing his sword back around in a deft twist to stab through the chest of the fallen Terminator.
Twisting around the thrust of the last Grey Knight Terminator Vash cleaved the arm from the warrior and with the backward
sweep took his head off. As the last Terminator fell Vash watched sergeant Herrion and his last marine cut down by a lone
Justicar. The magnificent swordsmen walked forward to meet Captain Thalion in single combat. The Grey Knight had no idea how
out classed he was. Their blades met in a flurry of lightning quick attacks and parries, the Justicar was good, Vash had to
give him that, but it would not stop him from killing the delusional warrior. Rocking back on his heels from a heavy downward
slash Vash pretended to lose his balance, picking up on the hint the Justicar flashed forward his blade sweeping out to come
around in a deadly waist high cut but no matter how fast the Grey Knight was, Captain Thalion was faster, spinning his blade
around Vash slashed through the torso of the Grey Knight his sword tearing through to catch and deflect the Grey Knight’s
sword. Continuing with his momentum Vash brought the blade around behind his back and around once more sweeping the blade
through the staggering Knight’s neck. The corpse hit the ground, blood already pooling from the body. Vash shrugged
and stormed off towards another squad of Knights.
Turn 4:
Gunfire saw another Grey Knight squad reduced
to the Justicar as Squad Tyriel boarded their Rhino and popped out the top to fire their melta gun and last bolter marine.
The second squad dropped to 3 men. Captain Thalion slaughtered the lone Justicar and consolidated into the 3 man squad.
Grey Knights
Lone Justicar charged the rhino but failed
to damage it and the three Grey Knights fell to Captain Thalion.
Turn 5:
Squad Tyriel took its vengeance and melta
gunned the last Grey Knight on the field.
End of Game, Victory to the Ultramarines!
Two more victories for my Ultramarines
making them 10/12 with 1 loss and 1 tie, not a bad record for one of my newest armies. Although the Grey Knights were at a
disadvantage from the outset, lacking the firepower needed to take on the Land Raider, getting first turn also ensured that
I could take out what little Firepower the Knights did have and then engage them at my will. That did not stop them from battering
my army but at least the games were interesting. I definitely look forward to playing this opponent again, and perhaps an
allied game or two. It would be nice to see two armies of Grey Knights fighting together. I hope you enjoyed the reports and
the pictures, here is one final piece of fluff to finish everything off.
The last of the Grey Knights had died before
ever reaching the Ultramarines defenses. In both engagements no Grey Knight had stained the Ultramarines position and the
field was littered with their corpses. In total the 7th had lost thirteen warriors who would not live to fight again but the
Grey Knights had lost fully ten Terminators, Vash had finished off the dying Grand Master himself, and more than forty Marines,
not to mention their Land Raider Crusader and no less than four Dreadnaughts. In orbit the Sentinal of Ultramar had crippled
the Grey Knights strike cruiser. Unable to escape the ship had initiated its self destruct sequence. Sadly the Grey Knights
were not the only ones who possessed the capability to teleport. The Sentinal of Ultramar was lucky enough to be one of the
ships in the Ultramarines fleet, and one of the few Strike Cruisers in the Astartes, to be equipped with a teleporter. The
7th Company teleported two techmarines and twenty battle brothers on board the Grey Knight cruiser and within an hour the
ship was theirs. The crew was either killed or locked up and the Ultramarines took possession of whatever relics and artifacts
they could. It was time to send a lesson to the Inquisition.
Captain Thalion ordered the arms and armor
of the Grey Knights dead, and their gene seed to be collected. The bodies were taken aboard the Grey Knights ship in orbit,
their gene seed was removed and put in storage and their gear was returned. While the Ultramarines took possession of a number
of ancient relics and artifacts the Grey Knights were still servants of the Emperor, the artifacts were items from the Inquisition
placed in the Grey Knights care but Captain Thalion would not dishonor his fellow astartes by leaving their gene seed un-collected
and their battle gear left to rot on an alien world.
As the Sentinal of Ultramar jumped into
the warp they transmitted a message to the Ordo Malleus. Two weeks latter a force of Grey Knights arrived to take possession
of their fallen and their Strike Cruiser. On board they found the surviving crew still alive, with stores of supplies left
for them but no weapons. On the bridge of the ship the Grey Knights found the body of Inquisitor Tassadar Iexos. He had been
killed by a single bolt round to the heart, his arms and armor missing. On his chest was pinned a note which read:
“As to all who seek to accuse the
Sons of Guilliman, the Emperor’s justice be done.”
The Ordo Malleus would think twice before
letting one of their own waste resources with false accusations against the Ultramarines.