The News:
I added my comprehensive articles on the Space Wolves and Salamanders, archived here as none of my other Marine websites
fit the role of archiving those articles. I hope they are enjoyable.
I updated the site with two articles I wrote some time ago for Tau Online, I hope they prove useful to those readers
who may have missed their origional postings.
Finally I found a way to get some more space and get my sites back in action. I deleted my old and out of date photo
album, I now exclusively use photobucket, and with that freed up 17MB of space I can get back to keeping these sites up to
date. Though I am considering how to do this as I now have no less than THREE new armies. A massive Dark Angel force, a sizeable
Lysanderwing Imperial Fists army, and a small Grey Knight force. Individual pages for each??? I doubt it, I might try renovating
the sites and making a general Space Marine site, to include all the material for all my various marine armies. In any case
check in here to see what happens!
Wow so many things have happened since I last updated the news. I now have more than 5000pts of space marines divided
into 3 armies right now. I boosted the Ultramarines to 2000pts and also wrote up an 1850pt Blood Raven list with roughly enough
left over for a 1500pt Dark Angel force and I still have about 12 Terminators and 15 scouts not in use along with almost a
dozen characters and HQs. Tons and tons of stuff that I am just not going to be able to make use of fully. But I can certainly
try and what I cannot use Ill sell. I got the whole deal for 100 bucks and for the last few weeks have been working on piecing
it all together. I joined Bolter and Chainsword and have been posting there, my friend with the Confessors The_Chaplain noticed
and said hi which is cool. I am considering adding the Blood Ravens and Dark Angels to this page or making pages for them
individually, I think Ill go the individual route. So keep an eye here I will certainly be updating and right now I need to
update this with a battle report.
Well I wont likely be getting in anymore games for the next three weeks or so. However I have recently written two articles,
one on powerfists and their uses and the other on a common tactical problem faced by players where the enemy hides ordanance
or uses other tricks to shoot you whithout you being able to return fire. Most notably with battle cannons, Crystal Targeting
Matrixs and Tau Battlesuits. I hope you enjoy reading them.
I got two battles in today at the new local hobby shop now that Im at college. One defeat and one victory, not bad for
one day and now I can finally get into a routine. Better yet I am getting a bunch of extra models and bits aswell as a Dread
and rhino thanks to Uriel from Tau Online to make into some vets and two people in my dorm might start playing soon starting
Tyranids and Chaos. 40k is looking a lot better now. Hopefully in the next few weeks Ill get my Tau down here too and some
terrain and all will be great.
Pictures for my second battle report are now added at the bottom of the report. Enjoy.
I got my second battle in today and it was a victory against the Eldar. The battle report and some new fluff on the 7th
Company is now up. Check it out.
Got my first battle in today, didnt go so badly. Check out the battle report.
Well this is a new begining for me. The Ultramarines 7th company are still in painting the commander not even finished
yet (close though). I should get to fight a battle with them tommorrow and try out the army. Keep an eye on the site to see
if anything is new, with this site you can watch the progress of my new army as it grows and I learn how to use it.